Why You Should Not Ignore Using Social Media Analytics

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Using Social Media Analytics in Your Marketing
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  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:July 21, 2021

If you are looking to gain the most when it comes to your social media marketing, it is crucial to track your results. You can use social media analytics software to track your results.

You can monitor various activities like shares, clicks and other engagements. But if your goal is to comprehend your audience and establish great campaigns, then you have to develop creative ways to benefits from analytics tools.

Some of the best ways to track your business include the following:

Audience engagement

When it comes to engaging the audience, many companies fail to maintain all the social media activities happening and the brand’s impact.

Using a social media analytics tool like NetBase can help you to monitor all your accounts and respond to every comment and questions directly.

You need to comprehend that there is no need, but you can perform various tasks like posting relevant images, videos and infographics on Instagram or Facebook.

If you participate in social media, you engage in these discussions, and by doing this, you can find suggestions that are helpful to your clients.

Improving the relationship with your customers

It is an essential area of using your social media analytics. If your business is found in places like Yelp, Google, Angie among others you understand how crucial it is to keep monitoring reviews. Some of your clients will talk about you and your products on social media.

You need to know when someone makes a comment about your business so that you can take the necessary action. If a particular customer posts a negative comment about your products and services, then you can discover it and help them to regain confidence.

Monitoring all comments and reviews about your organization is essential.

Monitoring competition

Use of social media analytics tool like NetBase is crucial because it helps in monitoring competition from other businesses offering the same products and services like you.

Monitoring your competition will enable you to understand the behavior of your audience and what they want. You will also know the strategies you can use to attract your customers.

If you have a small organization, you can monitor what established organizations are doing and apply it.

Identifying your target customers

As you make use of social media in your marketing, you need to identify your loyal customers and social media influencers who help in marketing your business.

By using social media analytics, you will track social media influencers and those who advocate for your brand. Social media analytics helps you to track when people are mentioning your brand.

You will know how to build a relationship with your customers and brand ambassadors. If possible, you can include them in your marketing endeavors.

For example, you can use a loyal customer to review your product and attract other social media users.

Discover the direction of the industry

It is always essential to know the direction of your industry. It is one of the primary reasons to track your social media. You will get the opportunity to understand the latest news and trends in the industry.

For example, if you are in the field of technology, you need to keep updated because the technological environment moves fast. If you have a restaurant, you need to discover the latest food trends.

If you are running a fashion shop, you need to know what trends people are wearing around the world so that you can adapt to such changes.

How NetBase can help you in marketing

NetBase can allow your organization to access various essentials like the behavior and emotions of consumers and their opinions. It enables your marketing to be cheap, fast and smart.


Daniel is the founder of COMPETICO digital agency. Since 2014 he helps digital businesses COMPETE SMARTER and WIN BIGGER through SEO, and Competitive Intelligence.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. ChrisM

    I monitor my new customers from Facebook locals.I do my social media by blogging with Facebook locals to generate new Income Tax clients for my Income Tax business. My focus is relationship building. This takes me tremendous amount of time. I need a tool to automate this process for me.

    Owner CEL Financial Services
    IRS Registered Tax Preparer
    Registered bonded California CTEC Tax Preparer

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